Why All Points of View are Important

point of vies 2I like having people around that see things differently than I do, but just because it is valuable doesn’t mean it is enjoyable. When I feel inspired in a new and creative concept or project, all I can visualize is what I see in my own head. I need people around that can see what I cannot see. This is because most worthwhile projects are bigger than one person can accomplish. We need each other which is a good thing. Sometimes we don’t think we have anything to offer, but we do, our unique point of view. If we are thinking it, chances are someone else is also but don’t have the confidence to speak up. So go ahead ad your voice to the Well by Nature Community, yours might be just the idea that makes all the difference. Being a lone ranger is lonely, sometimes we get discouraged and burned out with our calling to help others. Being part of a community of like-minded helpers offers encouragement, fellowship and strength in numbers. Oh, and we get to see other points of view that we might not have seen without each other!